Royal Wedding Fever

Royal wedding cemented with an exchange of wedding rings and "I do's"

Well the royal wedding has been and gone and what an event it was. With hundreds of millions of people from around the world watching, it must have been nerve wracking for those at the centre of all the attention, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. With all eyes upon Meghan’s every look and gesture and
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Proposal Ideas: Your “How to” Guide

We are often asked if we have any really special or exciting proposal ideas that are sure to elicit a “Yes!!!!” to the big question “Will you marry me?”. Well, I guess the first thing to point out is that we are jewellers. What we do best is make beautiful, beautiful engagement rings! We are
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Wedding Anniversary Gifts: Think Jewellery!

Wedding Anniversary Gifts here a diamond heart shaped pendant

The tradition of giving a gift for your wedding anniversary is an age old custom. This custom was formalised by Emily Post in her famous book on etiquette called Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home. In it, Emily suggested giving your loved one a gift for the first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth,
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Will You Marry Me?

Ready to propose with this sapphire engagement ring in an Ellissi box.

What’s going on in the Olympics is all over the news at the moment, and not just for the incredible sporting feats of the athletes. News reports confirm three proposals of marriage so far.  And they are just the ones that we know about! With the eyes of the world upon them, each of them
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Pendants and Earrings

Princess cut diamond Pendant surrounded by round brilliant cut diamonds

We have been busy this week adding some beautiful pendants and earrings to the site. Perfect as a gift for someone special in your life, wedding jewellery, or a treat for yourself! Princess Cut Diamond Pendant Featured here is a square pendant that has at its centre a 1.00ct. princess cut diamond in top grades.
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Wedding Bands: Get Organised!

Wedding bands in rose gold, white gold and yellow gold. Diamond set

O.K. so all the excitement of your engagement has passed and now you are very, very busy organising your wedding. As all couples know, this can be quite a stressful time. You want your very special day to be memorable for all the right reasons – not for things going wrong! Of course part of a
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