Cushion Cut Diamonds are a Soft Square
Cushion cut diamonds vary greatly in proportion and shape. The one thing that all cushion cut diamonds have in common, is that the outer edge profile, called the girdle, is a soft square rounded shape. We refer to the general shape as a”square” cushion, as shown here, or a rectangular cushion, which is a longer narrower cut.
Cushion Modified Brilliant Cut Diamonds
Ninety five percent of all cushion cut diamond are classified as a “Cushion modified brilliant” cuts. The most common type of cushion cut you will see in rings in retail stores is the “Cushion Modified Brilliant” cut. There are a number of differing cushion cut diamonds given this name. As you would expect, there is a lot of variation in how cushion cut diamonds look. Some can be really fantastic, others really very poor looking indeed.
Which is best, depends to some extent on the look you prefer. What you want the cut design to do visually, is the main question we need to consider. You can have the cut refract more, enhancing the colour tint in the diamond or have a more glitter ball effect with the”crushed ice” look. Although not generally considered by the trade to be desirable, some people do like this “crushed ice” look.
It is precisely because of this variation in cut, that “fancy cut ” diamonds such as these, are not given a cut grade assessment by certifying labs like the GIA. Simply put, there are just too many variations of cut to give each a specific cut name. The only real exception to this is the Cushion brilliant.
At Ellissi, we prefer to find where we can diamonds that have the more exacting proportions of the Cushion brilliant cut diamond. These are a rare cushion cut type and it is not always possible to find them in the grades and size we need. In this case, we can look at a hybrid version of the cushion cut diamond that is close to the cushion brilliant cut diamond in cut terms. To see some of the outstanding rings we have made over the years with cushion cuts, please click on the following link: cushion cut engagement rings.
The Crushed Ice Effect Is Not Considered to be Desirable
Some of the typical issues that can be seen in less well cut cushion diamonds, are things like an over-duplication of refraction. This creates a diamond that looks like it has a crushed ice at it’s heart, or the look of a shattered windscreen. This should not be confused with the standard sort of refraction that the best of the cushion modified diamonds display. The arrangement of facets can be pretty well be whatever the cutter of the diamond decides is the best combination for the specific diamond crystal they are dealing with.
The GIA uses more than 20 differing cut templates in their certification plotting diagrams. This is only covers a small number of possible options and may not in fact represent the “exact” cut of the diamond it is detailing. The problem with the certification, is that we cannot tell from just looking at the diagram, whether or not the diamond cut suffers from being “crushed ice”.
Careful Selection of Cushion Cut Diamonds is Critical.
Which is the right cushion cut diamond for you will depend on what elements in diamond performance you want most. You need to decide which of the various cut types will give you the best balance in the things you prefer.
Attention should be paid to the way the cut looks and the way “colour” is affected by the cut of the diamond. It is after all no accident that this diamond shape is very often used for coloured diamonds simply because the cut gives rise to additional tint within the stone. This is a great advantage in a pink or yellow diamond. Perhaps not so good if your decision is to have a white diamond. In that case a cushion modified brilliant should not be selected in grades as low as you may be able to go to in other cut types.
Fantastic cushion cut diamonds are all about careful selection. Staying close to the top colour grades is advisable.