We’d all love to have a 1 carat diamond, but have you ever thought about a carrot diamond? A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog about some of the amazing stories you hear of people losing, and then finding their engagement ring. There are so many of these stories, and some of them are just so incredible, it is hard to know which one to focus on. But when I heard this one I couldn’t resist telling you about it. If it doesn’t make you eat your veggies, I don’t know what will!
Thirteen years ago a Canadian woman called Mary Grams was working in her vegie patch when she lost her engagement ring. She looked for it for days on end before deciding that it was gone for good. She was convinced that it had got munched up in the family’s farming equipment. So she decided to replace it with another ring.
Carats on a Carrot
Then, amazingly enough, 13 years later, her daughter-in-law was preparing dinner with vegetables she had picked from the garden and she noticed something sparkling on a carrot. She showed it to her husband, and he immediately realised that it must have been his Mum’s long lost ring.
Mary couldn’t believe it when she heard the news. Sadly her husband had died five years previously. She had never told him what had happened to the original ring. But she reckoned he would have had a good laugh had he heard the story.
It is a salutary lesson for as all. As Mary Grams said: “Anything I do outside, I’m going to take it off…I should’ve put it in a safe place in the first place, but I didn’t.”
This is something we tell our clients all the time! So, carat diamond or not, eat your veggies and look after your engagement ring!